Why I chose Flutter over other app development platforms

Aman Khan Roohani
3 min readMar 22, 2020

We’ve all been there, stuck on the installation and gradle build of the android studio, also spending our hard earned money on data add-ons to download it’s resources. Learning native android development, especially starting from Java, which makes many rookies almost give up.

You make changes in the app and it takes years :) to run the required change making it hectic for app developers to build their app. Also it would require much more time to develop these apps, especially if you are dealing with the development of cross platform applications.

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To address these problems, many more new frameworks and application development frameworks launched which aimed to provide more sophisticated features and quick app development.

Frameworks such as React Native, Xamarin and PhoneGap provided different approaches to application development to make development easier. These technologies helped many rookies to grow motivation to develop apps and solve real world challenging applications.

Now comes Flutter, which gave developers a single codebase platform to fulfil their dreams and make app development easier and time saving.Flutter which provides a Cross-Platform application development, enters the market, with features like Hot Reload within seconds, fast UI rendering and strong back-end support in 2017. But how different is flutter?

Flutter works by using its’ own library of custom widgets designed for native platforms to give native like performance as compared to other cross platform technologies such as React, which uses an abstraction layer on top of the native api’s. This also means that if we have an update which depends on some material or Cupertino libraries, developers will be easily able to provide that same experience to users who weren’t able to update to the latest OS.

Also Flutter provides seamless transition and communication with native services if required by a developer using MethodChannels which call a particular service to perform more low-level tasks.

Flutter is easy to understand, community support is great and also installation is very seamless as compared to other cross platform technologies.

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It provided the exact solution to developer’s problem, problem of saving time, problem of scalability, problem of Cross platform developer features, by providing a single codebase for developing both Android and iOS applications.

Our engineering culture strongly encourages test automation, so Flutter shined with its great testing capabilities, that fit nicely with our mindset (built-in testing infrastructure for Unit, Integration and End-to-End tests without the need for rendering to the screen). Whereas React Native requires third-party dependencies, which makes it more prone to breaking changes. I found the Flutter development experience to be superior, with better hot reload capabilities, very strong official documentation, and a more stable API.

Analysis by NuBank
Analysis by Nubank

What motivates me to use Flutter to develop apps is it’s fast UI-rendering, fast reload support and it’s widgets. Any rookie who doesn’t know any ABCD of Application development can easily learn its basics and make his/her own app in minutes.

What inspired me was the strong backing flutter was receiving from the developers around the world, which started contributing to its libraries and making plugins to make its development easier and faster. Flutter’s support to web and desktop was also the icing on the cake which led me to continue my journey building apps, websites and desktop applications.

Why did you chose Flutter? Let me know in the comments section. I know I’m not an expert writer, although I expect I was able to communicate my opinions and knowledge to you. Don’t forget to clap, if you liked this article. Happy Reading!

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Aman Khan Roohani

Cross Platform Developer (Flutter) | Google Groups Contributor